Mortgage PreludeTM
"The Home You Can Afford"

This easy-to-use program will save you countless time and hassle by determining how much of a loan you're qualified for BEFORE you ever have to fill out a loan application. It uses the guidelines set forth by the Federal National Mortgage Association (a.k.a. Fannie Mae) to determine the loan amount you're qualified for. All done via a friendly program in the comforts of your own home ...

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Mortgage Prelude will make the process of obtaining a loan as easy and quick as possible for you. Whether you want to compute your monthly payments, determine the amount of interest you will pay, estimate your total closing costs, generate an amortization schedule, or you want to go a step further and analyze what type of loan you can realistically apply for, the program will conveniently guide you through the process.

The pre-qualification system built into Mortgage Prelude is accurate because there is a strong chance that your lender will want to have the option of selling your mortgage on what is called the secondary market for mortgages. (In fact, many lenders will have your loan sold before you make your first mortgage payment.)  The two largest buyers of loans on the secondary market for mortgages are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and, thus, those two entities generally set the standards for home loans.

Your lender will likely want to make sure that the loan they give you fits the industry standards so that they can sell your loan. Although there are many applicable guidelines, probably the most important are what are called the "Qualifying Ratios" (which are computed and displayed on Mortgage Prelude's main screen). Right away you can not only see how much your monthly payment will be, how much interest you will pay, and all the other common information associated with home loan calculations; but you will actually see whether or not you qualify for the loan according to current Fannie Mae Guidelines.

Compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Me, and 9x.


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