Web Page Analyzer
Determine if your web site is responding within a reasonable time period. Also offers suggestions to help you achieve that if it's not.
Down for Everyone, or Just Me?
Very simply, this site will test a URL and see if the web site is down. If it isn't, then it must just be your connection.
Microsoft Support "Fix It"
Provides free diagnostic and repair services.
The Small Business Administration
Primarily for U.S.-based businesses, the SBA helps small businesses start, build and grow their businesses. Many good resources and articles available.
Tax Information For Businesses
Primarily for U.S.-based businesses, the IRS offers tax advise specifically for small businesses.
Box Shot Software
Box shots can enhance the presentation of your products, provide more "depth" to the picture, and generally give the immediate impression that you are selling software. After trying several products, we highly recommend Insofta Cover Commander.
We were so impressed with the software that we asked the makers to partner with us to offer other developers that use NorthStar Solutions e-commerce services a 50% discount (if you're a NorthStar Solutions partner, please CONTACT US to receive the special coupon code that you can use to receive the discount).