With 30+ years of experience selling software, we're confident you'll find our software meets your needs. Our titles are popular among literally tens of thousands of satisfied customers and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed because we offer the option to download and evaluate any program before you purchase a license. This gives you the opportunity to personally explore what the program will do, and to evaluate one of the most important aspects of a program: how "friendly" it is to use.
Macro Mania This award-winning program will save you time and money as you automate your computer tasks with macros. Whether you're looking for a personal productivity tool or, like many of our corporate customers, need a powerful, reliable program to automate tasks in a professional environment, Macro Mania is your solution.
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Snappy Invoice System Like it has for thousands of other businesses, the Snappy Invoice System will help your small business prepare and print invoices and sales receipts in literally seconds! Designed with ease of use as a primary feature, the friendly menu system will help you efficiently perform various sales-related tasks.
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File Monster When you delete files using normal deletion methods, you leave all the information in those files readily available to anyone with access to your computer! File Monster completely erases files from your system — actually overwriting the information.
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Poker Challenge This enjoyable card game cleverly blends the rules of poker with solitaire. The game is easy to learn, fun to play, and extremely addicting! Countless hours of entertainment and challenge are packed into this unique game. Are you ready for the Poker Challenge?
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Mortgage Prelude - a powerful calculator that computes your monthly payment, interest, etc. One of its most distinguishing features is that it uses the guidelines set forth by Federal Agencies (FNMA) to help evaluate your eligibility for a mortgage.
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Poker Mania This FREE computer game simulates all the fun and action of Vegas-style video poker machines. The polished help system will also help you fine tune your playing skills and develop winning strategies (teaching you to know which cards to hold and which to discard) so you ultimately become a better poker player.
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FLicKeR Via a very intuitive interface, you simply tell FLicKeR (the File Line Keeper and Remover) to read a text file and keep or remove certain lines that contain the text you specify. One of its most useful applications is that it makes the process of evaluating log files (such as keyboard recorders and web page statistics) much faster and easier.
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